School Counselor

Counseling Staff:

Email Jenifer Shidal - Assessment and Accountability Coordinator

Email Lisa Stephenson - School College and Career Counselor

Email Rachel Goatley - School Counselor, Seniors A-L

Email Wendy Watts - School Counselor, Seniors M-Z

Email Jennifer Hunter - School Counselor, Sophomores and Juniors A-L

Email Jeremy Watwood - School Counselor, Sophomores and Juniors M-Z

Email Jacob Simmons - School Counselor, Freshman Academy

Class Information and Calendars

Thank you to those working in our community to provide us with resources in regards to mental health! 

Mental Fitness Challenge:

Suicide Prevention Resources:

Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide webpage for teens*

 * This is the organization that provided our school-wide training for the 2020-2021 school year.
